Dark Sky Android App Review

Dark Sky is a weather app that gives you accurate weather forecast and notifications. It not only gives you the forecast but goes one step further to give you alerts when bad weather is headed your way. The app which was tailored only for iOS is now available for Android phones as well.

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The Dark Sky app is priced $3.99 for the full version which has a lot of features such as adding widgets and activation of notifications. The selling point of the app is the precise precipitation notifications. It gives you a heads up with alerts like “Heavy rain starting in 30 minutes”. The best part is, the forecast is accurate which is surprising as most weather forecasts are useless these days. The Android app sure is better than the IOS app in terms of interface. Even though the design is same in both the operating systems the solid colors in Android makes it a clear winner.

The only drawback Dark Sky Android app has compared to the IOS app is that, while the IOS subscription is paid only once, the premium for the android app has to be subscribed every year. While $3.99 is not going to put a hole in your pocket, it would have been great if the IOS deal is extended to Android users as well.

The Dark Sky app is definitely the best weather app and we are delighted with the Android app that was launched recently. If you are constantly worried about what dress to wear or pack for a picnic because of the weather, then this app comes as a rescue to you. It is unfair that Android users are asked to sign up for a subscription every year, but still you can try it at free of cost for two weeks and we highly recommend it.


  • Great Interface
  • Precipitation alerts
  • Custom weather alerts


  • Expensive
  • Interface cannot be customized
  • Doesn’t work well in remote areas